The Changping Garden

The Changping District Garden in the Garden of Reflection is a tranquil area of dappled sunlight and overlooks the community playground while backing on the local educational Play Centre. This area is a place where the local children congregate to be active children and to enjoy this time in their life.

The Changping District, Beijing - Hurunui District sister district relationship has always put the development of the children and youth connectivity as a priority. The creation of a garden that was both child and youth inclusive and friendly was seen as a natural progression that would lead an enduring legacy that would grow and evolve while being enjoyed by all who took the time to visit the garden and reflect.

This part of the garden is known as a dry shade garden, sheltered from the wind, with dappled sunlight and the plantings in this area are a fusion of both Chinese and New Zealand plants suited to the location.

The Government of Changping District, Beijing generously contributed to the funding of this garden, supported by the Hurunui District Council in the area of logistics, administration and human resources.


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